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2 Years/2,000 hours
Included with equipment purchase. Timely submission of a completed warranty card and documentation of 2,000 hour service by a Handtmann Inc. or Handt-mann certified technician are required.

The FS 525 all-in-one forming and cutting system combines
two different forming principles achieving unprecedented
flexibility in industrial applications: The hole plate molding
technique allows the production of free-formed 3D products. The rotary
cutter allows the production of different cross-sections with a straight
cut. Product changes can be made in 3 minutes and take only a few simple steps.

The Dosing Valve 85-1 is accurate-to-the-gram and perfectly suited for
fluid or pasty products in the most diverse food production
applications. Whether dosing into different types of containers, such as
tubs, trays, thermo-forming packagings and jars, or dosing of toppings –
the flexible handling offers a wide portfolio of applications for the
production of classic and novelty products. The dosing valve is made of
high-quality stainless steel and is very easy to clean and meets the
highest hygiene requirements.

UVC Degermination kills airborne germs and spores reliably and effectively.

The Handtmann DS 552 solution uses Valve-free Return Suction to dose chunky products, smooth spreads and viscous fillings in a variety of 2-24 lane configurations. The DS 552 solution precisely portions from 5-500 grams at up to 200 cycles/minute with perfect accuracy to all nozzles.